What are you waiting for?
“A ship in harbor is safe - but that is not what ships are built for.” - J.A. Shedd
Have you ever had a spark of an idea, deep down - one that maybe even catches you off guard? The kind that scares you a little, so you ignore it and move on? For me, that idea was writing. Writing has always been a passion of mine. From when I wrote down “author” as my dream occupation in those journals you fill out to show your parents in the first grade, to taking advanced writing courses in high school. However, that was the extent of it for the longest time. It wasn’t until the blogging world evolved and expanded, circa 2008, that I started dabbling around in Xanga. It was the platform of choice at the time, and writing in it was a fun hobby for me. Then when life got in the way, it was put on the back burner.
Fast forward over 10 years - the desire to write never left me. I purchased the domain for this website in February of 2019. I wrestled with the idea of it from that point on, because as it became more real to me, it scared me. I was consumed with the fear of what others might think of me for trying. Yet, even as the excuses accumulated over time, that small spark grew alongside them. One thing I know is that this passion won’t leave me and it goes beyond myself. I believe that when you are given a gift, a calling on your heart to share with the world… continuing to ignore or withhold it in fear of what others will think, does more harm than good. I am far from an expert in the field, but for me, writing is therapeutic. I also believe that we as a collective have far more in common than we might realize. By sharing our struggles and our triumphs, we are able to connect on a deeper level that brings us as humans closer together. By sharing the knowledge and wisdom gained from life experiences, we are able to pass on the torch to others who may need some light and hope for their own path. So regardless of what becomes of this, if my words and insight manage to help just one person find encouragement for their own journey, all of this will absolutely be worth it.
Is there something on your heart today? If there is that ‘something’ - whether it might seem silly, scary, exciting, bold, or maybe even crazy - and yet you cannot stop thinking about it, perhaps you can do me a favor. What would it look like if you decided to take that first step? How could it change your life and even the lives of those around you?
I waited so long for the ‘perfect’ time to launch this. For life to slow down, for the time and energy to devote to it, for the pieces to fall into place. And you know what? None of that happened. So why, then, am I doing this now? In the midst of one of the most chaotic stages of parenting and life? Because the perfect time simply doesn’t exist. Life will only get busier, and more will be added to my plate over time. But I would rather not look back on this time 30 years from now, with regret of not going after it. I choose to show up, as myself, today. No matter how imperfectly.
This life is too short to be living within the confines of ‘What if?’. We are not promised tomorrow, but we have been given the gift of today. We have been entrusted to use it wisely.
Just. Start.
“I’d rather regret the things I’ve done than regret the things I haven’t done.”